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Episode 52 - Goodbye and Good Riddance

Another "What if?" scenario episode. Ben returns home after the summer vacation ends, and is told by Max that he must keep the Omnitrix a secret. This is made more difficult with his classmates admiring the alien heroes that they've seen on the news, unaware that it is Ben himself. Initially disappointed, Ben gets the chance to use the Omnitrix when Vilgax attacks, yet again looking to take the device from Ben. All four Tennysons (Ben's father helps) fight off Vilgax's drones running amok in the city. When Vilgax appears again, easily fending off Ben, Ben's father suggests leading him into the underground gas line, which they ignite to incinerate the villain. Ben's secret is revealed to the public during the affair, and Gwen ends up transferring to his school. Just when it seems like everything is quiet, Dr. Animo shows up with a cadre of mutated animals, which Ben and Gwen get ready to fight.

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Episode 51 - I-10: The Ben 10 User Generated Experience

Ben, Gwen, and Max, along with Cooper, use the Plumbers' Mount Rushmore installation to mount a final stand against the Forever King's forces. Max discovers that the Forever King was once a plumber named Driscoll who was kicked out after hoarding alien technology. Despite their best efforts, they are unable to keep Driscoll from obtaining the Sub Energy. Driscoll uses the energy to enhance his armor suit and battles Ben, who is able to use Upchuck to digest the power source and destroy it safely (he obliterates the Mount Rushmore faces in doing so, however).

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Episode 50 - Ben 10 vs. Negative 10(2)

The Tennysons pick up the grandson of another Plumber named Cooper, who is hitching a ride home with them. Meanwhile, a Plumber base at Fort Knox is robbed by the Circus Freaks and Sublimino. By the time the Tennysons find out, they are too late to help. They soon learn of a second robbery, this one run by Rojo (having gained a new cybernetic suit), Animo, Clancy (mutated into an insect), and Charmcaster. Max discovers that they are searching for the keys to the "Sub Energy", an extremely potent sub-atomic power source given to the Plumbers by an alien race. they lose the keys to the villains, and attempt to route them at the Mount Rushmore base, where the Sub Energy is stored. However, they find that the Forever King, joined by a subordinate and the villains that raided the earlier bases, has beaten them to it. He dubs his team the Negative 10 and sets them upon the Tennysons.

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Episode 49 - Ben 10 vs. Negative 10(1)

During a battle with Dr. Animo, the Omnitrix is accidentally set to self-destruct. In order to stop it, Ben has to travel across space to track down the Omnitrix's creator. Three alternate versions of this have aired, each with a modified opening from the original.

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Episode 48 - Ben 10: Race Against Time

During a battle with Dr. Animo, the Omnitrix is accidentally set to self-destruct. In order to stop it, Ben has to travel across space to track down the Omnitrix's creator. Three alternate versions of this have aired, each with a modified opening from the original.

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Episode 47 - Ken 10

During a battle with Dr. Animo, the Omnitrix is accidentally set to self-destruct. In order to stop it, Ben has to travel across space to track down the Omnitrix's creator. Three alternate versions of this have aired, each with a modified opening from the original.

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Episode 46 - Ready to Rumble

In the future, Ben's son Ken is celebrating his tenth birthday, and to commemorate the occasion Ben gives him an Omnitrix of his very own. However, he equips it with a limiter, unwilling to trust his son to defeat villains on his own. Ken soon befriends a boy named Devlin, and the same night Kevin 11 attacks. Unable to locate the Null Void, which Ben has moved after the events of "Ben 10,000", he retreats. Ken, also unaware of the move, endeavors to find it on his own, only to unwittingly lead Devlin, who is Kevin's son and can transform into his father's mutant form, right to it. Devlin releases his father from the void, but is soon heartbroken to learn that Kevin's only interest is in fighting Ben, not in seeing his son. Kevin is ultimately defeated by the combined forces of Ben 10,000, Ken 10, and Devlin 11, who is later adopted into the Tennyson family.

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Episode 45 - Ben 4 Good Buddy

After damaging Gwen's laptop, Ben enters a mutant wrestling competition as Fourarms to earn some money to replace it, becoming an instant celebrity. During the tournament, he fights a pair of mutant brothers who owe a mob boss a large sum of money in order to save their farm. They entered the competition in order to pay off their debt, which Ben doesn't learn about until after defeating them. After learning the truth, Ben goes with them to save their mother, who is being held by the gang as "collateral damage". After rescuing her, Ben gives the prize money to the family since they need it more than he does. Returning home, he admits to what he did, only to discover that the computer wasn't even broken in the first place, requiring a special key that Gwen had to activate it.

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Episode 44 - Secrets of the Omnitrix

While traveling through a desert, the Tennysons encounter a group of modern-day pirates called the Road Crew attempting to hijack the RV of Laurence Wainright. After stopping the Road Crew, the family makes a pit stop and Ben and Gwen start to complain about how the Rust Bucket doesn't work right and isn't nearly as luxurious as Laurence's RV. Shortly afterwards the Road Crew returns and steals the Rust Bucket. While Grandpa Max tries desperately to track down the Rust Bucket, the Road Crew give it a makeover for use in their plans. The Tennysons "borrow" Laurence's RV to catch up to the Road Crew just as they steal missiles from a train. Baron Highway, the leader of the Road Crew, plans on using the missiles to destroy the new highway, which in turn will increase traffic on the roads that the Road Crew patrol. Ultimately Ben stops Baron Highway's plan using his knowledge of the Rust Bucket's quirks.

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Episode 43 - Big Fat Alien Wedding

Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max attend a family wedding for Max's nephew Joel and his bride-to-be, Camille. Before the day of the wedding, Ben tries to go swimming in the lake, only to interrupt a mud alien's attempt to sabotage the wedding. Ben defeats the sludge alien as Cannonbolt, but finds the groom's parents pointing rifles at him soon after. He escapes with Gwen's help, and Max explains that the groom's side of the family are all Plumbers, while the bride's side are all mud-like aliens, called "Sludges", which the Plumbers were enemies with until Joel and Camille meet. This wedding represents a truce. During a dinner time with the families, they were confronted by Camille's ex-boyfriend. Ben tries fighting him with Diamondhead, but realises the Sludge is immuned to the diamond ammunition. As they fought, Diamondhead pushes Camille's ex-boyfriend into a hot tub, where he dissolved into the water. After the incident, Joel's parents tried to convince Joel and Camille to cancel the wedding. They refused, forbidding them to brind any Plumber gear and the wedding continued the next day. However, on the wedding day, chaos erupts when Camille's parents and ex-boyfriend revolt against the marriage. Max realises that they just set up the ex-boyfriend plot, so they could hide their own true colours. The opposition showed their true selves and attempt to eradicate Joel. As Heatblast, Ben defeats them with a little help from Max, who bought some Plumber weapons, and the angry bride.

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Episode 42 - Don't Drink the Water

Growing weak with old age, Hex is seeking out something to make him stay young. At the same time, Max is having difficulties with his aging body, so he decides to impress his grandkids at a fair to show them he's not as elderly as he seems. At the dunking game Max challenged them to, he and Ben both get splashed, unaware that the water is from the Fountain of Youth. Max regresses into a ten-year-old while Ben becomes a four-year-old. The booth's owner is the guardian of the fountain, having been charged to do so by Juan Ponce de León 400 years previously. Hex manages to force the man into revealing the location of the fountain, which he uses to become young again. However, Ben uses Heatblast to vaporize the fountain, in the process exposing Hex to enough of the water to turn him into an infant. With the fountain gone, the man reveals that the effects of the water will wear off without constant exposure. Meanwhile, Charmcaster finds her infant uncle and enjoys taunting him at his expense.

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Episode 41 - Divided We Stand

During a trip to the beach, Ben discovers a new alien on the Omnitrix, Ditto. Ditto has the power to multiply at will, drawing the attention of Dr. Animo, who has just escaped from prison with the help of a mutated seagull. He captures one of Ben's Ditto clones in hopes of exploiting his alien DNA for his own evil purposes. Using the alien DNA, Animo creates an army of self-multiplying mutant Stinkflies, but Ben exploits the inherent weakness in the clones to destroy every Stinkfly clone and capture Dr. Animo once more.

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Episode 40 - Perfect Day

Ben seems to be having a perfect day: Grandpa Max makes a breakfast Ben considers edible, a bus full of cheerleaders including Kai Green breaks down in front of him, he, Grandpa Max and Gwen go to a pizza n' play (where Ben gets kissed by two girls, causing him to blush) and unreleased games fall off a truck. However, when another Gwen and Grandpa Max show up, he discovers that Enoch and the Forever Knights have trapped him in a dream world while they attempt to remove the Omnitrix from his wrist. Revealed, Enoch turns the dream into a "nightmare", which is Ben's school. After managing to take control of the dream and escape, Ben traps Enoch in his own dream world. Once the Tennysons leave, another Forever Knight, the "Forever King", decides to leave Enoch to his fate because of one too many failures.

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Episode 39 - The Visitor

Two snowmobilers accidentally release an alien named Xylene from a strange container. Xylene locates the Omnitrix and attacks Ben, under the impression that he had stolen it. However, when Max comes to defend, the two recognize each other as old friends. Xylene and Max reminisce later that night. As Wildvine spies on them, Xylene asks Max to leave Earth and travel through the Universe with her. Distraught, Ben runs back to the campsite, where he is unable to ward off an attack by one of Vilgax's remaining drones and has to rely on Max and Xylene for help. There, Xylene reveals that she was the commander of the ship bringing the Omnitrix to Earth when Vilgax attacked it, and that she had intended to send it to Max; Ben received the Omnitrix by accident. Ben runs off in shock and Gwen follows. The drone attacks again and captures Max. Ben and Xylene reluctantly team up to save him. In the process, Xylene uses her knowledge of the Omnitrix to unlock a new form, Upchuck, which Ben uses to destroy the robot. At that, Xylene prepares to leave the planet and repeats her offer to Max. Max declines, claiming that Ben and Gwen are his whole world.

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Episode 38 - Be Afraid of the Dark(2)

From where the "The Return" left off, Ben is now facing both a revived Ghostfreak and Doctor Vicktor, quickly transforming into Grey Matter to escape. Grey Matter is able to discern Ghostfreak's plan from a computer terminal: Using the corrodium to amplify the power source of the orbiting space station, in conjunction with the device the alien werewolf built in New Mexico, Ghostfreak is intent on covering the daylight side of the Earth in a corrodium shield. This will not only mutate Earth's population, but it will also block out the sun, giving Ghostfreak a world of eternal darkness to rule over. Ben uses Upgrade to create a makeshift rocket to get to the space station, which Vicktor clings to so that he might also get to the station. Meanwhile, Max and Gwen fight the mummy aboard the space center and attempt to thwart Ghostfreak's plan from there. Upgrade seemingly defeats the mummy, but Ghostfreak appears again and manually starts the device. In pure darkness, Ghostfreak's form enhances; Ben's new Benvicktor form holds him off until doctor Vicktor came back. However, Max tricks Vicktor into destroy the projector, ruining Ghostfreak's plan and apparently killing the werewolf. In a fit of rage, Vicktor attempts to warp Ben away, but accidentally banishes himself and the mummy. Ben and Gwen escape with Max on the shuttle, on which they again expose Ghostfreak to sunlight and defeat him. Cannonbolt protects Gwen and Max from atmospheric reentry, and the three land in Egypt. In the aftermath of the attack, Ben realizes that he has gained Ghostfreak's natural form on the Omnitrix.

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Episode 37 - The Return(1)

A shuttle launch at NASA is interrupted by a purple lightning storm. This attracts the attention of Ben, Gwen, and Max, who hope to discover the origin of the alien werewolf and mummy. While at NASA, Ben runs into an ill-tempered scientist by the name of Dr. Vicktor. Surveillance tapes associate him with the purple lightning storm, and he is quickly shown to be in cahoots with the two creatures. Ben, Gwen, and Max encounter the creatures again, in addition to Doctor Vicktor in his true form. Following a losing battle, the Tennysons split up: Max and Gwen board the space shuttle that Doctor Vicktor launches, and Ben follows Vicktor as XLR8. The mummy's onboard the space shuttle, and Vicktor sends the werewolf to New Mexico in a flash of purple lightning through use of a teleportation device. But as Ben confronts Dr. Vicktor, the scientist reveals that he is not carrying out his own plan. Vicktor revives his master: Who to Ben's horror, is revealed to be, Ghostfreak.

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Episode 36 - Monster Weather

Grandpa Max takes Gwen and Ben to a music festival in Chicago to see his favorite old time band, Shag Carpeting, but the event is interrupted by a weather-controlling robot called S.A.M. Ben uses Fourarms to send shockwaves to the robot eventually destroying him.

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Episode 35 - The Unnaturals

Ben goes to see his favorite Little League team. Unfortunately, who should be on his team but his rivals, JT and Cash. He discovers that their opponents, the Squires, are robots. He cheats for his own team, but it works against them when the robots try to kidnap people on the team who appeared to be experts due to Ben's help. While attempting a rescue, Ben discovers that the robots plans are to replace the President of the United States, who had also been watching the game. The Tennysons foil the Squires' plan and personally save the president. After they have left, Enoch appears, revealing the plan to be his own. He vows that the Tennysons will pay with their lives.

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Episode 34 - Under Wraps

In order to teach Ben and Gwen the value of hard work, Grandpa Max takes them to a farm. However, a farmhand tells Ben and Gwen of a mummy that had recently arrived in a flash of purple lightning, prompting their curiosity. The two of them find it digging for a strange stone, but it attacks them as soon as they see it. XLR8 fights it to no avail, but the mummy flees in the confusion. Max discovers that the strange rock is an unstable chemical called "Corrodium," which causes severe mutation in earthly organisms. The Tennysons track the mummy down to an ice cream factory, but end up in danger when the mummy proves to be invincible. In the resulting struggle, the mummy touches the Omnitrix and inadvertently adds its DNA, allowing Ben to use that form; however, the Omnitrix decides to transform Ben into Upgrade instead. Upgrade possesses a liquid nitrogen containment tank and sprays the mummy with the chemical, effectively freezing it. The family then flees the farm for fear of more manual labor.

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Episode 33 - Supper Alien Hero Buddy Adventures

When a television show called Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures, which stars corny cartoon versions of Fourarms, Heatblast, and Wildmutt, shows up, Ben gets angry and demands credit. Furthermore, it has replaced his favorite show, Kangaroo Commando. It just so happens Ben and Gwen are visiting Planetary Studios at the time, so he tries to confront the producer about it. Meanwhile, strange accidents begin occurring around the actor who plays The Commando, conveniently allowing the actor to save the day. The Commando suspects that the artist producing the cartoon, Tim Dean, is responsible, but Gwen suspects foul play on the Commando's part.

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Episode 32 - Game Over

Ben and Gwen are playing Sumo Slammer video game and Gwen is beating Ben at it. As a result, Ben turns into Upgrade and merges with the computer so he can lower Gwen's score. As Gwen tries to get Ben out, lightning hits the van and zaps them both into the game. It isn't long before they realize that all of the aliens in the Omnitrix are unavailable and they have to collect tokens in order to activate certain ones. They progress through the levels in order to get the Upgrade token and allow them to leave the game. However, the villain of the game hears them, and wants to use the Upgrade token to leave the game and take over the real world.

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Episode 31 - Benwolf

During a visit to New Mexico, a wolf-like creature appears in a flash of purple lightning. Once there, it begins stealing satellite equipment for an unknown reason. One of Max's old friends believes it to be a Yenaldooshi, or Navajo werewolf, a sign of pure evil. Wildvine fights the creature, but it bites Wildvine's root just before Ben returns to normal. It nearly kills Ben as a human, but he is spared when the wolf accidentally scratches the Omnitrix rather than Ben himself. Afterwards, Ben begins transforming into a werewolf himself, presumably an effect of the bite. The others hurry to kill the werewolf before Ben's transformation is complete. However, they discover that werewolf is actually an alien. By scratching the Omnitrix, it added its own DNA to the Omnitrix, which was gradually shifting Ben into that from Upon reverting back to human form some time later, Ben fights the werewolf as Cannonbolt inside an active volcano, sealing it within. The group is unable to find the missing equipment, but assume the threat to be over. However, the alien had finished building a transmitter from the parts he salvaged, and it activates on its own.

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Episode 30 - Merry Christmas

Ben, Grandpa Max, and Gwen come upon a bizarre Christmas village run by a Christmas-obsessed man who thinks Grandpa Max is Santa Claus and proceeds to trap him. As Ben and Gwen explore, they learn about a strange curse on the village from one of its few unloyal elves, who happens to be the son of the Christmas-obsessed man. The village was frozen at Christmas, in the 1930s, But when Ben delivers all the gifts that had been made, time catches up to the village instantly.


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Episode 29 - A Change of Face

While Ben and family are visiting Salem, Massachusetts, Charmcaster attacks in an attempt to switch bodies with Ben; however, Gwen interferes, causing Charmcaster to switch with her instead. Gwen gets arrested in Charmcaster's body while Charmcaster stays with the unaware Ben and Max and tries to cook up another body-transfer spell. Gwen escapes from jail and returns, convincing Ben of the truth before Charmcaster tries again. However, Charmcaster manages to swap their bodies once more, ending with Charmcaster in her true body while Gwen and Ben have switched. The two swap back as a result of Charmcaster's third body-swap spell and Cannonbolt defeats Charmcaster. Ben as Cannonbolt ties up Charmcaster. Gwen punches Charmcaster out as revenge for taking over her body, and she is sent to jail. Gwen ends up taking Charmcaster's spellbook for her own use and in hopes of building up her magic

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Episode 28 - Midnight Madness

While visiting a mega-mall, Ben and Gwen watch a hypnotist perform. Gwen volunteers Ben as a test subject, and the host, Sublimino, successfully hypnotizes him. When asked to act like an alien, Ben naturally turns to the Omnitrix and almost changes in front of the audience. Even though he is stopped by Gwen, the trouble doesn't end there. Sublimino is able to use those he hypnotizes to commit crimes in their Dream state, and the alien-equipped Ben proves to be the perfect accomplice. Using Ben, Sublimino is able to steal parts to make a much bigger hypnotism device, this time hypnotizing everyone in the mall including Gwen and Grandpa. But Ben escapes the hypno beam. Ben stops him as Wildvine and Sublimino is presumably arrested. Ben finds Sublimino's hypno watch and hypnotizes Gwen to feed him ice cream that ends up all over his head.

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Episode 27 - Ben 10,000

When Ben and Gwen forget about Grandpa Max's birthday cake, the two kids wind up bickering over who's to blame. But when a mysterious stranger appears out of nowhere and kidnaps Gwen, Ben follows her into a strange portal as XLR8. When the dust settles, Ben suddenly realizes where he is: the future, in a world where humans and aliens live peacefully. Ben, however, is taken aback when he learns that Gwen's captor is actually her own future self, an accomplished magician to boot. Future Gwen reveals that the current Ben is now a world-renowned hero with 10,000 different alien forms. But, upon meeting his future self, Ben realizes that the future Ben is all business and just can't relax, not even for his own family.New future aliens - Spitter , Buzzshock and Articgunna

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Episode 26 - Back With a Vengeance

Ben accidentally figures out the master control of the Omnitrix, allowing him to become any alien just by thinking about it, and stay an alien indefinitely. Elsewhere, Kevin had assumed control of the Megacruiser. Using it to navigate the Universe, he locates and revives Vilgax. The two battle, but Vilgax quickly realizes the nature of Kevin's mutation and decides that he may be of use. Kevin and Vilgax locate Ben and fight to a stalemate. Max attempts to trap the enemies in the Null Void dimension; however, Ben gets pulled in as well and ends up continuing his battle in another realm. Gwen enters the Null Void in order to retrieve Ben. Unfortunately, Kevin takes her hostage, forcing Ben to give away the Omnitrix in order to save her. But before anyone can escape, Kevin double-crosses Vilgax. Ben and Gwen procure the Omnitrix in the resulting brawl and leave the villains trapped in the Null Void dimension. Ben reattaches the Omnitrix, only to realize that he had zeroed out the master control and can no longer perform mind-accessed transformations.

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Episode 25 - Dr. Animo and Mutant Ray

When Ben tries to take apart the Omnitrix to see how it works, he ends up breaking off its face and causing weird combinations of his alien forms when he transforms. Additionally, the broken piece begins mutating the smaller creatures it comes into contact with. Meanwhile, Dr. Animo escapes from prison and, during a battle with Ben, finds the broken piece of the Omnitrix. Using it, he is able to complete his large-scale Transmodulator, giving him the power to mutate the entire planet in a single shot.

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Episode 24 - Ghostfreaked Out

Lately, Ben has been having strange nightmares about Ghostfreak. During a tour of a school Gwen wishes to attend, Ben sees and hears Ghostfreak everywhere, and bad luck follows him around. When Frightwig, Acid Breath, and Thumbskull show up, Ben activates his Omnitrix; however, it transforms him into Ghostfreak. After a vicious battle, during which Ben is clearly no longer in control, Ghostfreak escapes from the Omnitrix. Ghostfreak removes his second layer of skin in order to possess Ben, revealing a horrifying creature underneath. As a side effect of removing it, though, he can no longer withstand sunlight and is forced to retreat. Ghostfreak scares the circus trio into working for him as he schemes to possess Ben and gain control of the Omnitrix. Ben and family encounter Ghostfreak and his minions that night. Gwen and Max easily deal with the circus trio, but he has Ben on the run. As Ghostfreak prepares to possess him, Ben pulls back the curtains in the room while the sun is rising, incinerating him. In a b-story, Gwen wants to go to a high-end academy for rich girls.

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Episode 23 - They Lurk Below

The family ride a jet belonging to Grandpa Max's old Friend, Donovan Grand Smith, who owns an underwater resort. At the entrance, they receive a warm welcome from Donovan himself, though they also meet with his grandson, Edwin, who didn't seem to be excited about their guests. Later, when Edwin, Ben, and Gwen enter the Undersea Manta Ray, a giant submarine, they encounter strange aliens that threatened to destroy the whole resort. While the kids find a way to cooperate with each other to find the source that lures them in, Donovan himself learns a few lessons in how to bond better with his grandson.

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Episode 22 - Tough Luck

Gwen dons her Lucky Girl costume again upon finding the Keystone of Bezel at a convention in Las Vegas. Rather than magical luck, the Keystone increases all of Gwen's natural abilities, making her a more efficient and powerful heroine. At the same time, Hex has been busted out of prison by his niece, Charmcaster and seeks to use the keystone to restore the destroyed charms. Charmcaster tricks Gwen into trusting her so that she could easily take the Keystone and give it to Hex. However, Charmcaster double-crosses her uncle so that she can take the Charms power for herself. Wildvine stops the recreation process and Gwen defeats Charmcaster herself. To do so, she instinctively fires an energy blast from Hex's staff which suggests an affinity for magic.

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Episode 21 - Ultimate Weapon

Max's Plumber equipment detects that an ancient mask had been unearthed. This quickly triggers a change in Max's attitude; he claims that this artifact would lead to the most powerful weapon ever designed, and that he should retrieve it before it falls into the wrong hands. Max immediately becomes more impatient, worse-tempered, and far stricter. Upon retrieving the mask, the Tennysons come into conflict with The Orgainization, now called the Forever Knights, who want to find the weapon themselves. The Tennysons end up with the mask after a struggle and use it to find the ultimate weapon, the Sword of Ekchuah, inside of a Mayan pyramid. There, Fourarms faces off against the Mayan death god Ah Puch while the Forever Knights fight Max for the sword. In a painstaking decision, Max decides to save his family instead of claiming the weapon, realizing which was more important. His choice was not in vain, as the antique sword crumbles to dust once Enoch takes it. The temple collapses, and though Max warns Enoch not to stay, Enoch remains inside in an attempt to collect the dust that was once the ultimate weapon.


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Episode 20 - Camp Fear

Distracted by Ben and Gwen quarreling, Max almost hits a young camper named Gilbert on the road. They take the boy back to his camp, Camp Opinicon, only to find no one there. As they investigate the premises, they find two more children, twins named Andy and Mandy, who are hiding from something that caused the camp to become deserted. Max is captured by tendrils while he investigates, prompting Ben and Gwen to split up. While Gwen leads the campers to safety from fungal mutants, Ben attempts two failed rescue missions, getting captured on the second. In trying to escape, Ben unlocks a new alien form, a plant-like alien named Wildvine; however, even Wildvine cannot defeat the Mycelium (a fungal brain) that controls the fungal creatures. Fortunately, Ben drops his shoe, which has athletes foot powder in it onto the brain and causes it and its minions to wither. Ben and Gwen spread more of the antifungal powder on its tendrils and save the camp.

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Episode 19 - The Galactic Enforces

When a pair of bounty hunters (Six-Six and Vulkanus) plan to use raw minerals from earth to build a devastatingly powerful bomb, Ben joins a group of alien super heroes, Galactic Enforcers, in order to stop them. However, all is not well with the new group, as a small gift of Ben's chocolate is all that's needed to weaken the group's leader, Ultimos. This causes his second, Synaptak, to take the lead in order to try showing Ben up. However, the Enforcers tactics involving 'commanding presence' backfire on them, and nearly getting Tini hurt in the process. However, after Ben goades Synaptak into rescuing Tini from a landslide, Ben and the Enforcers put aside their differences to finally arrest the bounty hunters.

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Episode 18 - Grudge Match

Diamondhead battles the still-mutated Kevin, who had rendered Gwen and Max unconscious. A droid named Slix Vigma observes their fight, recognizing them as potential gladiators. Amidst the combat, a teleportation beam takes Diamondhead and Kevin to a huge ship called the Mega Cruiser, where life or death gladiator matches are regularly held between slaves captured from different alien races. There, Vigma makes Ben and Kevin a team, bonding them with shackles that transfer pain from one to the other. With no choice, Ben and Kevin battle another captive, Technorg, during which Ben teaches Kevin new attacks combining Omnitrix alien abilities in order to win. Though Kevin intends to kill Technorg, Ben restrains him and spares his opponent's life. After the fight, Ben and Kevin rally the other prisoners, who nearly all escape. However, Kevin traps Ben with the intent to kill, revealing that he still bears a grudge. Ben transforms into Cannonbolt, the only alien Kevin doesn't have, and knocks him out. Cannonbolt was about to launch his escape pod, until Kevin regained his conscious and tries to seize Cannonbolt. Fortunately, Technorg abides by a code of honor and saves Ben, sending him back to Earth. Kevin is left aboard the Mega Cruiser with Technorg.

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Episode 17 - Gwen 10

This episode is a "What If?" scenario that is separate from the main story. When Ben wakes up one morning, he finds the Omnitrix missing from his arm. Weirder still is the fact that Gwen and Grandpa Max have no idea what he's talking about when he asks about it. Ben soon discovers that he's actually reliving the very first day of summer, the same day that Ben found the Omnitrix to begin with, but in an alternate reality. At the campsite, Ben tries to find the Omnitrix as it crashes to Earth, only to find out that it has already been found by Gwen. Gwen quickly adjusts to the Omnitrix's powers, with much greater ease than Ben. But Gwen uses the Omnitrix much more than required, hence when actual need for Omnitrix is required, i.e., when Vilgax attacks she finds the Omnitrix is discharged and will take some time before it becomes usable. Also, unlike the first episode Vilgax was not injured at all earlier and is already heading for Earth to take it back from her, preferably in a very painful way. Ben's going to have to prove himself to be a hero without the Omnitrix to back him up if he wants to save Gwen and give her advice on which alien to use in which situation as she finds herself at loss in that department.

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Episode 16 - Framed

In San Francisco, Ben discovers that look-alikes of his aliens are committing crimes around the city. Ben encounters the imposter and discovers that it was really Kevin; their last battle has permanently given Kevin the ability to transform into the various aliens of the Omnitrix. Kevin leaves Ben to pay for his own crimes performed as Omnitrix aliens, bringing Ben into direct conflict with the ruthless Lt. Steel of the government's Special Alien Capture Team. Evading Steel, Fourarms confronts Kevin atop the Golden Gate Bridge. Kevin loses control of the Omnitrix's powers during the battle, prompting Ben to walk away. Kevin's rage at the loss forces one final transformation: a fusion of all of the Omnitrix aliens without the ability to revert to human form. Blaming Ben for the mess, Kevin vows to kill Ben once and for all. Fourarms is no match for the new mutation. Fortunately, Steel had observed the battle and conversation and decides that Kevin is the enemy, knocking him into the water below. Ben and the Tennysons leave the scene with approval from Steel.

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Episode 15 - The Big Tick

During a trip to Yellowstone National Park, Ben discovers a new form on the Omnitrix: Cannonbolt, an armadillo alien. At the same time, a meteor crashes nearby unleashing a giant, tick-like alien called the "Great One" that intends to devour the planet. On top of that, it has its very own worshipers, who intend to make sure it completes its task. Ben easily defeats the worshippers, but the Great One is impervious to all of his original alien forms. Since nothing else works, Ben has to rely on a form he knows nothing about in order to defeat the Great One. He quickly discovers that Cannonbolt is impervious from any attack when rolled into an armored ball and penetrates the Great One's armor in that form, killing the alien from the inside. The worshipers proclaim Ben the new Great One, but change their minds once he reverts back to normal.

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Episode 14 - Truth

After the incident with Vilgax, Max tells Ben and Gwen about his secret past. He really was a plumber, but not the garden variety version. He was part of a secret government organization known as "The Plumbers," that dealt with extra-terrestrial and paranormal phenomenon that others couldn't. The organization was disbanded after he defeated Vilgax for the first time. During one of Ben's regular acts of heroism, they run into Max's old partner, Phil. Phil is still in the business of hunting aliens, though he is now a freelance agent. He suggests that they remake The Plumbers, but Max is against the idea. Ben, however, is much more enthusiastic about the idea. During another alien battle, Ben reveals the secret of the Omnitrix to Phil, and Phil is even more determined to get him as a partner. Phil ends up taking them to an expensive hotel, which he is able to pay for thanks to rewards for capturing the aliens. The frequency of the alien attacks, as well as the familiar aliens themselves, raises Max's suspicions, and he heads to Mount Rushmore to check on something. There, he finds the Null Void Projector—a weapon that can trap things in, or release them from, an alternate dimension—missing. Phil has been abusing it to scam various hotel owners into paying him to remove the aliens that he sets free. Phil releases an alien to deal with Max, but Ben is able to rescue him and eventually trap Phil in the Null Void.

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Episode 13 - Secrets

Secrets With Vilgax’s injuries fully-healed, he decides to retrieve the Omnitrix personally. Ben gets a message from Vilgax in a dream about his imminent arrival. This worries Grandpa Max greatly, and he insists that they get to Mount Rushmore as quickly as possible.

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Episode 12 - Side Effects

Side Effects When Councilwoman Liang attempts to redevelop the downtown area, the demolition efforts disturb a man named Clancy, who has the ability to control insects. Meanwhile, as Ben stops a criminal as Upgrade, he spots at a nearby ice cream truck. When he climbs inside to get a snack, he gets himself locked inside and ends up catching a cold.

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Episode 11 - A Small Problem

A Small Problem When Ben isn’t tall enough for a ride at a water park, he decides to change into one of his alien forms to get even with the ride attendant. Unfortunately for him, the Omnitrix malfunctions and he ends up as Grey Matter.

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Episode 10 - Lucky Girl

Ben defeats a magician named Hex as he attempts to steal a spellbook. During the fight Ben retrieves one of Hex's five magical Charms of Bezel and gives it to Gwen. The charm gives Gwen the power of probability manipulation. Using a Mardi Gras costume, Gwen becomes a new superheroine named "Lucky Girl," and begins stealing the spotlight from Ben while proving she's also got what it takes to be a crime-fighter. Unfortunately, Hex wants his charm back. He takes the spellbook and lures Gwen into a trap. He is able to take back his charm and begins an incantation to suck the entire city of New Orleans into a vortex. Fortunately, Gwen catches him off guard and takes back the Charms of Bezel, smashing them so that they may never be used again for any evil purposes. Fourarms restrains Hex until he is arrested.

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Episode 9 - Last Laugh

While visiting a travelling circus, Ben fights an evil clown named Zombozo, who drains the souls of everyone watching through their laughter, all the while inhibited by a fear of clowns. Conquering his own fear, Ben defeats Zombozo by terrifying him as Ghostfreak and saves his family from the evil clown's soul draining machine. During this fight, Ben first notes that he scared himself while fighting as Ghostfreak.

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Episode 8 - Alliance

Fourarms reluctantly fights a female thief named Joey and her gang, but Vilgax sends more attack drones at the same time. While Ben shifts his attention to the drones, Joey attacks Max. Ben destroys the robots and knocks Joey out, leaving them all at the scene in order to get Max to a hospital. While he is away, the drones fuse with Joey, transforming her into a semi-robotic being called Rojo. Vilgax makes telepathic contact with Rojo through the drones and commands her to steal the Omnitrix. At the hospital, Ben realizes that his watch makes him a constant target and puts Gwen and Max in danger by association; worried for their safety, Ben runs away. He later encounters Rojo and fights her as XLR8, which proves futile. With advice from Max via cell phone, Ben defeats Rojo as Upgrade by merging with and shorting out her robotic parts. In the process, Vilgax makes telepathic contact with Upgrade through the drones and threatens him, claiming that he will obtain the Omnitrix some day. Ben returns to Max and Gwen upon the realization that he needs them. Max tells Ben not to worry about what Vilgax said; however, Max expresses a look of anxiousness while Ben is out of sight.

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Episode 7 - Kevin 11

Straying from Max after an argument, Ben meets and befriends a boy named Kevin, who has the power to absorb any form of energy. Their first misadventure forces Ben to reveal what the Omnitrix is capable of. Kevin suggests that they team up. However, Kevin just wants the Omnitrix's power at his disposal; being treated like a monster for his strange powers since birth, Kevin had let hatred build up in his heart and is now out to get back at those who had hurt him. Ben attempts to reason with Kevin but ends up fighting him as Heatblast vs.Fireblast, at which point Kevin escapes and Max finds Ben. Ben finds Kevin terrorizing some bullies with energy stolen from Heatblast and fights him as Fourarms. Ben defeats Kevin (who battled as Sixarms) this time, forcing him to flee. Unknown to Ben, however, Kevin had absorbed energy from the Omnitrix after all.

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Episode 6 - Tourist Trap

Tourist Trap After having a gross-out contest with the kid in the car next to him, Ben finds a propane truck tipped over and out to catch fire and make a huge blast. With that taken care of, Ben and the gang are off to Sparksville, a town which brings new meaning to the words “tourist trap.

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Episode 5 - Hunted

Still in recovery, Vilgax hires three alien bounty hunters to retrieve the Omnitrix: a robotic crustacean named Krabb, an assassin named Sixsix, and a mysterious gunman named Tetrax. The trio encounters Ben playing around with the watch and force him to flee. However, when Ben attempts to fight Tetrax, who had separated from the group, Tetrax reveals himself to be the same species as Diamondhead and criticizes him for his lack of strategy while in combat. Proving himself to be on the good side, Tetrax aids Ben in warding off Kraab and Sixsix. Realizing that Ben took his words to heart, Tetrax decides to leave the Omnitrix with the child and awards him with a hoverboard.

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Episode 4 - Permanent Retirement

Permanent Retirement While shopping at an ice cream store in the desert, robbers attempt to steal an ATM. Ben and Grandpa Max capture the villains, but this is only the lesser of their problems

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Episode 3 - The Krakken

Ben encounters a lake monster called the Krakken, and Captain Shaw, a fisherman obsessed with catching it. He soon finds out the creature is upset because Jonah Melville a poacher in the disguise of an animal lover, is stealing the creature's eggs. After Ben retrieves the eggs, a close scene is shown with the Krakken cuddling her regained eggs in her nest.

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Episode 2 - Washington B.C.

Full recap

The episode begins at the burning building in Washington, DC area. People on the street, speculating opinion. In it, a woman and her baby are trapped in the surrounding flames. To make their situation even worse, they look up to see the ceiling to collapse on them. They are ready to brace for impact, but nothing happens. A small child looks up to find Ben, in the form of heat blast, lifting the fallen part of the roof. He said that he came to save them, and he tosses aside the section. Heat Blast first uses his ability to absorb all the fire in the room. After the flames had been, he leads them to safety. They were reluctant at first, but go with him in any case, if they want to live. All three attempts to use the nearby ladder to escape, but another building smashes their way to oblivion. Ben quickly spots another alternative care for their safety, and proceeds to cut through the wall at the end of the corridor. He then transports them to the street below their encasing them, as well as himself in the whirlwind of flame.

For all visitors a great impression of the performance. As Ben begins to act modest about the event, his attention quickly to leave the trading cards in the boy's hand. Ben refers to him as a gold Sumo Slammer cards. Like any child, he sits next to a child, and proceeds to ask where he found the card. In response, the guy said that they represent a prize in a box of cereal Sumo Smack. Gwen and grandfather Max Approach to interrupt his questioning of the boy, and Ben said that the fire started as a diversion so there are some thieves to rob the jewelry store. Ben tries to cover his conduct unaware that he knew that they just explained to him.

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Episode 1 - (Pilot) And There Were Ten

After a final school Call, 10-years Ben Tennizon is ready to reach an adventure of a camping with its Grandfather, Максом Теннизоном, and unfortunately, its competing cousin, Гвен Теннизон. After visiting camp, and disobedient aspects of a dinner, Ben wanders in woods and will develop Meteora the attitude of the foreign device: with Omnitrix. After opening, they jumped on its wrist which enables it to change in ten various foreign heroes. After experience and problems with the robot droids, and magnanimity of the hunters sent malicious Vilgax, Ben, Гвен and grandfather Maksom have begun its march which will change its life for ever.
Full summarize

The episode begins in space, with a dark blue-yellow foreign vessel in the big red vessel. The small boat lights up from big, but they are able to resist to their authority and ability to answer with fire. In the big red structure of a boat the foreign commander Vilgax known as shown, also orders, that its command has switched off a vessel to that they name in Omnitrix. The maintenance of that its understanding, that they were undefeatable, they represent people who cannot stop it. Then the stage moves to school and shows the boy of 10 years of a structure.

Cartoon Ben 10

Ben 10 is not Japanese animation! It is a cartoon produced in the US. Ben 10 tells the fantastic story of Benjamin Tennyson, a boy who is on vacation with his cousin Gwen Tennyson and his grandfather Max. At the start of their summer trip, Ben is almost hit by a strange alien device. He finds out that it's an Omnitrix, which is a watch-like alien device capable of transforming anyone who possesses it into 10 different alien species, each with their own respective power/ability. From here Ben faces the responsibility of using his powers to fight evil, though Ben is still young and not very mature. However, he'll have to learn to master his abilities to fight off the onslaught of Vilgax, an evil Galactic conqueror who wants the Omnitrix back in order to begin his invasion and conquest of Earth. Does Ben have what it takes to save the world?
Season 1
Episode 1 - (Pilot) And There Were Ten
Episode 2 - Washington B.C.
Episode 3 - The Krakken
Episode 4 - Permanent Retirement
Episode 5 - Hunted
Episode 6 - Tourist Trap
Episode 7 - Kevin 11
Episode 8 - Alliance
Episode 9 - Last Laugh
Episode 10 - Lucky Girl
Episode 11 - A Small Problem
Episode 12 - Side Effects
Episode 13 - Secrets
Season 2
Episode 14 - Truth
Episode 15 - The Big Tick
Episode 16 - Framed
Episode 17 - Gwen 10
Episode 18 - Grudge Match
Episode 19 - The Galactic Enforces
Episode 20 - Camp Fear
Episode 21 - Ultimate Weapon
Episode 22 - Tough Luck
Episode 23 - They Lurk Below
Episode 24 - Ghostfreaked Out
Episode 25 - Dr. Animo and Mutant Ray
Episode 26 - Back With a Vengeance
Season 3
Episode 27 - Ben 10,000
Episode 28 - Midnight Madness
Episode 29 - A Change of Face
Episode 30 - Merry Christmas
Episode 31 - Benwolf
Episode 32 - Game Over
Episode 33 - Supper Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Episode 34 - Under Wraps
Episode 35 - The Unnaturals
Episode 36 - Monster Weather
Episode 37 - The Return(1)
Episode 38 - Be Afraid of the Dark(2)
Episode 39 - The Visitor
Season 4
Episode 40 - Perfect Day
Episode 41 - Divided We Stand
Episode 42 - Don't Drink the Water
Episode 43 - Big Fat Alien Wedding
Episode 44 - Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix
Episode 45 - Ben 4 Good Buddy
Episode 46 - Ready to Rumble
Episode 47 - Ken 10
Episode 48 - Ben 10: Race Against Time
Episode 49 - Ben 10 vs. Negative 10(1)
Episode 50 - Ben 10 vs. Negative 10(2)
Episode 51 - I-10: The Ben 10 User Generated Experience
Episode 52 - Goodbye and Good Riddance